Jakob Bergstrøm, Country Manager Nordics. 

About Bluefish Pharmaceuticals: 

Bluefish provides quality generic pharmaceuticals at affordable prices. Its product portfolio contains a wide range of products within all major therapeutic areas. Since its inception, Bluefish has developed the platform and know-how to participate in and to be an integral part of all major steps of the value chain in the offering of generic pharmaceuticals. With the vision of offering quality pharmaceuticals at prices affordable to all, we have to be innovative and at the same time cost-efficient in all stages. This includes operational excellence in departments such as product development, quality assurance, pharmacovigilance, IP and supply chain as well as marketing and sales. 

Why Farma Norge? 

Ett medlemskap i Farma Norge ger Bluefish Pharmaceutcials stor tillgång till information om vad som händer på den norska marknaden och en möjlighet att bidra till en bättre fungerande generikamarknad. Som ensam leverantör är det svårt att göra sin röst hörd. Farma Norge har på kort tid visat att när generikaleverantörerna pratar med gemensam röst så möts budskapet med stort intresse och Farma Norge har etablerat sig som en uppskattad samtalspart för alla viktiga aktörer på den norska läkemedelsmarknaden. Ett medlemskap i Farma Norge var därför en självklarhet för Bluefish Pharmaceuticals. 

Kjetil Berg, General Manager Farma Norge 

I wish Bluefish and Jakob, welcome to Farma Norge. I and Farma Norge know Jakob from his excellent work in Accord Healthcare and his huge contribution into Farma Norge board in 2020/2021. Bluefish is an interesting company, they will grow in Norway and give patients affordable drugs. 

Farma Norge has grown the last year, we have established excellent relations with all key stakeholders and has a footprint in all generic/biosimilar policies. The establishment of Farma Norge has been a success and growth in 2022. 


Kjetil Berg 

General Manager